Football Field

Glenpool Public Schools wants all students to attend class so that maximum learning can occur. To ensure a balance between curricular, extracurricular, and co-curricular components and to follow state and OSSAA regulations, we must implement the following procedure.

Students will not be permitted to be absent from the classroom more than ten times per class period of each school year to participate in co-curricular/extracurricular programs and activities, whether sponsored by the school or an outside agency/organization (“activity absences”). This includes but is not limited to athletic games and scrimmages, field trips, band competitions, and volunteering through a school program.

Contests, games, and other activities that involve playoff-style competitions (regionals, districts, state, etc.) do NOT count towards this total. Regular, in-season tournaments DO count toward the limit. The Director of Educational Support Services and other administrators judge the validity of this type of excused activity absence.

It should be noted that regular absences (doctor appointments, dentist appointments, illnesses, funerals, etc.) do NOT count toward this total. This is for activity absences only.

Parents and guardians can extend the limit to 15 days by signing the Activity Absence Extension Form in the Infinite Campus parent portal under the student's name.

If you have further questions, please contact Matt Fore at