Science Resources

Science Assessment Blueprints and Item Specification Documents
Oklahoma State Department of Education website.

Additional Science Resources

Oklahoma Library of Digital Resources

KG - Physics Science resources from the Oklahoma Library of Digital Resources is an innovative initiative to provide Oklahoma educators with high-quality, interactive teaching resources. It launched in August 2016 with a collection of resources for 10 high school courses so teachers can incorporate digital learning opportunities into their lessons. All resources will be free to teachers via iTunes U.    

State's Science Standards

by Tiffany Neill, OSDE Executive Director of Curriculum

Learning from fellow science educators is one of the best ways to add to your own teaching practices. However, many educators don't have opportunities to watch other teachers or to participate in grade level teams to discuss lessons they've taught.

Enter teacher blogs. These sites can be valuable resources for professional development. Two local blogs, OK Sci Teachers and Teaching Elements focus on lessons incorporating the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science.

Explore six great posts from these two sites to get you started.

Melting Ice Investigation: Investigate how quickly ice will melt in bare hands versus a gloved hand.

Students Experiencing 3D Learning for the First Time: A teacher reflects on a first-time lesson introducing new concepts.

Using Phenomenon to Engage Students: Move the application to the beginning of the lesson to explain how molecule behavior, energy and condensation are related.

Generating Phenomena Ideas: Illustrate atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere using real-life examples.

Constructing Explanations in Science: Use writing to prompt students to explain their thoughts.

Developing and using Models: Modeling is more than just labeling the parts of a cell or building DNA models out of candy.

Formative Assessment PD Module

Oklahoma is one of thirteen states participating in the National Science Foundation grant project. Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education (ACESSE, or 'access'). The project is focused on promoting three-dimensional science instruction. This first Open Education Resource published through the grant is an Introduction to Formative Assessment to Support Equitable 3D Instruction.

The resource is for a 60-70 minute PD Session, and it includes all of the resources that PD facilitators need to adapt and run the sessions-including slides, speaker notes, facilitator guide, and embedded resources. Resources and supporting materials.