2025 Bond Issue

2025 Bond Project Information - Investing in our Future: Grow Glenpool

As we progress through the 2025 school bond process, we will update our community with information on this page as frequently as possible.

Information Required by the Bond Transparency Act of 2017.

2017 Bond Issue

Thank You Glenpool Staff and Community!

With over 650 people voting, both propositions passed with 82% of the vote. On behalf of the Board of Education and the administration, we appreciate your involvement in continuing with the progress that began many years ago. We have now successfully passed 28 consecutive bond issues. Now, the work begins. Committees, such as the technology committee, will continue to determine the priorities for expending the allocated bond funds while elementary staff members will begin to determine the functionality of the new facility. In addition, staff members will begin discussions on other grade reorganization possibilities and the utilization of the TCC Building. This will be an exciting time for the Glenpool School community and we appreciate your support and continued involvement.

The district bond issue/long range planning task force has been meeting over the past 18 months to develop and prioritize district needs. The committee, made up of community members, parents, city officials, staff and administrators, has set the plan in place that will be implemented based on the overwhelmingly positive results of the bond election. The Board of Education and Superintendent Jerry Olansen would like to express their appreciation to committee members, Brandon Kearns, Roger Kolman, Aarick Klugh, Cliff Goins, Ron Stanley, Whitney Rogers, Lynne Whetsell, Kristy Moyer, Pete Bell, Mona Smith, Mark Bilby for participating in the development of the bond issue items. With the school and community working together, the district is truly focused on the future.

Glenpool Bond Issue 2017

Architect Renderings of New School

Bond Issue #1 - Building construction and improvements $16,100,000

School building

A 16 acre tract of land will be purchased that is located just north of the corner of Elwood and 141st Street for a new school site. It is adjacent to existing public street access and will have multiple points of entry with room for future growth.

The land sale has been completed as of 8/31/17, and the land is being prepared prior to construction. Two points of entry and exit will exist, one on 141st Street east of the intersection and one on Elwood. Ground was broken on the construction site on 3/2/2018. Work began on 3/5/18.

The windows have been installed and exterior rock work will start in January. Construction of the new Lower Elementary School is about 70% complete.

School campus

A new lower elementary school for preschool and kindergarten will be constructed on the newly purchased land. The building is designed with a central hub for offices and centralized services with safe accessibility to the facility. In addition, it will have a safe room, gym/multipurpose facility, library, and cafeteria with a food preparation kitchen.

The Board of Education has approved and awarded bids for construction at the February 2018 meeting. The central portion of the building will be reinforced construction serving as a storm shelter for all students and staff.

TCC Building

The TCC building located on 141st Street and Highway 75 will be purchased to provide additional classroom space for concurrent enrollment for GHS students. This building will be the location of the enrollment center and administrative offices.

Purchase of the TCC Building has been completed and is now known as the Education Service Center (ESC). Enhancements have been made to improve security. Modifications have been made to the second floor for office space and an additional classroom has been added to serve concurrent students. Plans have been made for the Central Office personnel to vacate the Administration Building and relocate to the ESC during Spring Break, 2019. The Enrollment Center has been housed in the ESC in June, 2017.

Kids grabbing food in cafeteria

 The middle school cafeteria will be remodeled with the ability to accommodate the growing middle school population. The kitchen facilities are also being modernized to better serve the nutritional needs of the students.

Remodel of the middle school cafeteria and full scale kitchen is complete.

School Campus

Four additional classrooms will be added to the high school Varsity Building and existing classroom will be modified to meet the needs of the expanding student population.

Work has started on the additional 4 classrooms to the Varsity Building. Good progress has been made and classrooms should be ready for the start of the new school term.

CCTV Camera Outdoor

Security enhancements and improvements will be made district-wide. Improvements will include fire panels, secured entrances, and safe room in the new elementary school. Possible safety and security improvements may be the introduction of a specialized "key" system to buildings and classrooms.

Additional security cameras have been installed at the ESC (formerly the TCC building) and on the main campus.

People using computers

Technology equipment will be upgraded to improve our infrastructure and additional student devices will be purchased. High school students will be assigned a Chrome Book to use throughout their high school years. Middle school students will have access to individual devices in core classes. Elementary students will see a great influx of devices in most classrooms.

In additional to infrastructure updates, 246 iPads, 522 Chromebooks, 12 Chromeboxes, 18 Apple TV, 28 computers, and 1 server have been added.

School Road

Improvements to our campus will be made at all sites. Improvements will include roof repairs and upgrades to HVAC units. Parking lots will be repaired and sealed in a systematic manner.

The road on 146th St from the stop sign to the middle school has been repaved; middle school and high school parking lots have been seal coated and striped; 12 HVAC units have been replaced. New home bleachers and a new roof have been installed at the Sports Arena. The wrestling room and middle school have completed significant roof repairs.

Girl wearing the band uniform

Band uniforms and other fine arts equipment will be purchased. Updated uniforms and equipment will help students compete at a 5A level.

Band uniforms have been purchased and worn during the marching program. Sound system upgrades have been completed for the APB and choir room.


Classroom furniture, fixtures, and equipment will be purchased for the new school site as well as classrooms across the district.


A panel truck with a lift will be purchased to assist with the transportation of prepared food items from one site to another.

A panel truck has been purchased and wrapped with Glenpool's logo and is now in service.

Bond Issue #2 - Buses $400,000


Four new school buses will be purchased to meet the transportation needs of students.

A total of six additional buses have been purchased and placed into service. This is two more than the four buses we had originally planned to purchase.