This is a very exciting time for Glenpool Public Schools. On March 4, the community will vote on a $52.8 million dollar investment in the future of our schools, community, and children.
I encourage every citizen in Glenpool to exercise their right to vote. In any election, your vote matters, but more so in a local bond election. We can never take anything for granted as the requirement for passing a bond issue is a 60% supermajority.
The projects we are proposing will have a positive impact on all students at Glenpool and will allow the school district to grow as our community grows. Detailed information on the bond issue and the projects we are proposing can be found on our website. There will not be a property tax increase with this bond as we were able to pay off our previous bond earlier than originally planned.
A healthy and thriving school and a growing community are symbiotic, one cannot exist without the other. Please help us spread the word and get Glenpool to the polls on March 4th!

Upcoming Events
3/4: Vote on Bond Issue
3/11 & 13: INT & HS Conferences
3/11 & 4/10: MS Conferences
3/14-21: Spring Break, No School
April 8 & 17: LE Conferences
April 10 & 15: UE Conferences

Pre-K Enrollment
Pre-Kindergarten pre-enrollment for 2025-26 school term will begin March 24. Enrollment forms can be filled out online starting on March 24. Documents can be uploaded to the form or brought to the enrollment center by appointment. All forms filled out under the 24-25 school term will be auto-purged. For more information about the PK program, click here.

Bond Issue
GPS spent the last three years using needs assessments and strategic planning to finalize plans for a bond issue. The vote will be on March 4th.
Visit the new webpage devoted to the upcoming bond issue to find out more information.

Student Awards
Congratulations to Valedictorians Matthew Maier and Cierra Keigley and Salutatorians Jalen Phillips, Drenzel Garrido Vieyra and Sidney Knipe.
Congratulations to the lady Warrior Basketball team for being District Champions!
Congratulations to Sidney Knipe who has artwork on display in Norman until March 10 More...

Lower Elem Spotlight
March 3-7: Read Across America; click here for dress up days
March 13: Day of Play
March 31-April 4: Spring Book Fair
April 8 & 17: Parent/Teacher Conferences
May 17: KG Graduation

Upper Elem Spotlight
March 3-7: Read Across America; click here for dress up days
March 5: Cherrydale orders due
March 11: Spring Pictures
March 27: Class Group Pictures
March 28: Freckles Friday

High School Spotlight
Students of the Month:
Jalen Phillips
Claira Cox
March 6: ASVAB test
March 11: TCC Dual Credit Zoom Meeting
March 13: FAFSA Workshop
April 9: ACT for Juniors
April 15 & 18: Science & US History Tests for Juniors
April 19: Prom

Middle School Spotlight
Congratulations to the Middle School Academic team for finishing 1st.
Congratulations to Mr. Wise for being chosen as Middle Level Principal of the Year in Oklahoma.
3/7: Middle School Dance "Walk the Red Carpet"
3/11: Parent Conferences
4/10: Parent Conferences

Indian Education
Annual Needs Assessment
JOM parents, it's that time of year again. Please check your emails for the Annual Needs Assessment and fill out the survey to help the Indian Education department know how to best help your students. A link to sign up for school supplies will be at the end of the survey. The link will be active until March 7.

Food Pantry
The food pantry is located in the Glenpool High School and available to anyone in need. Students and staff can shop for the entire family and take home the food at the end of the day.
For more information contact Layce Nydam or Ann Figart.

Teacher of the Year
High School: Whitney Rogers
Middle School: Matti Langford
Intermediate: Jody Carr
Upper Elementary: Elisabeth Craig
Lower Elementary: Diana Wright
Click here for more

Educators of the Month
Congratulations to the educators of the month. They each received $100 from Glenpool Dentistry.
Elementary: Michelle Rhine
Secondary: Kaitlyn Goins
Support: Brooke Brumley