Warrior Chant February 2025

Message from Superintendent Layton


Effective communication is crucial in fostering a strong partnership between school and home. To ensure you receive timely and important information, the district utilizes a variety of communication channels to keep you informed about school news, events, your child’s progress, and important announcements.

 · Glenpool Public Schools Website – Access to important news, live feed for social media posts, site access, events and much more!

 · Campus Portal - Through your infinite campus parent portal you are able to see your child’s grades, attendance, lunch balance, assignments, and any forms you need to complete.

 · Email and Phone – The district will push out messaging to parents through email and through text messages. Ensure that your email and cell numbers are up to date in Infinite Campus.

 · Social Media - The district will post important information, events, and announcements via Facebook & X (Twitter). You can follow our district pages and/or each site.

 · App - The Glenpool School App has all the information from the website available on your phone. We will also communicate through push notifications. (Be sure you allow push notifications from this app in your settings).

The partnership between school and home plays a vital role in a successful education. Our goal is to provide consistent and effective communication for all of our patrons.


Curtis Layton 

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

2/7: Distance Learning Day

2/19: Lower Elem Picture Day

2/20: INT Picture Day

2/26: High School Picture Day

2/27: Upper Elem Picture Day

3/14-3/21: Spring Break

Investing in the future

Bond Issue

GPS spent the last three years using needs assessments and strategic planning to finalize plans for a bond issue. The vote will be on March 4th .

Visit the new webpage devoted to the upcoming bond issue to find out more information.

Young students drawing at an easel

Pre-K Enrollment

Pre-Kindergarten pre-enrollment for 24-25 term will be open March 24.

Keep watching the website for more details to come.

Enrollment forms filled out before March will be auto-purged.

Upper Elementary building

Elementary Spotlight

Parents please remember students may not enter the building before 7:35. Also, the drop-off lane closes at 8:05. If you arrive after 8:05, you must park, walk your child in the building, and sign them in.

Now-Feb 12: Ring Pop Sales

2/5: Class Pictures

2/13: 1st & 3rd grade Valentine parties

2/14: 2nd & 4th grade Valentine parties

2/20: Cherrydale Fundraiser starts

2/27: Spring Picture Day

High school building

High School Spotlight

Now-2/12: Valentine cookies

3/6: ASVAB test

Students of the Month:
Dyson Sanders
Kamry Brown

High School student recognition page

Order Senior Recognition Ads today. The deadline to order your ad is 4/30/24.

Click here for more information.

Seniors, send your baby picture to seniorpics@glenpoolps.org before spring break.

Middle School building

Middle School Spotlight

Gabriel Wilburn won first place in the Oklahoma Art Education's Young People's Art Exhibit 2025 (Middle School Category).

2/6: 7th Grade Field Trip to Woody Guthrie Center

2/14-22: GMS Book Fair

Check out the Book Fair Homepage for more information

3/7: Spring Dance: Warriors Walk the Red Carpet

Must be eligible to attend.

Lower Elementary building

Lower Elem Spotlight

2/14: Day of Kindness

2/19: Spring & Class Pictures

Would you like to show Lower Elementary staff some love this Valentine's day? Use this form to choose a staff member and tell them what you appreciate about them. Submit as many forms as you like.

Glenpool Dentistry logo

Educator of the Month

Congratulations to the educators of the month. They each received $100 from Glenpool Dentistry.

Elementary: Diana Wright
Secondary: Makayla Brown
Support: Destiny Eldridge

Teacher of the Year

High School: Whitney Rogers

Middle School: Matti Langford

Intermediate: Jody Carr

Upper Elementary: Elisabeth Craig

Lower Elementary: Diana Wright

Click here for more.

Coach Werner and his family

Welcome to the Circle of Blue

It is with great enthusiasm and pride that we introduce the newest leader of the Glenpool Warriors Football Program, Coach Payton Werner. As the new Head Football Coach, Coach Werner brings a wealth of experience, a legacy of success, and an unwavering commitment to developing young men of character both on and off the field. More...


Rachel Welch, a STEM teacher at Glenpool Schools, has received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)! The PAEMST is the highest recognition a K-12 grade science, technology, engineering, or mathematics teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the US. She has dramatically impacted her students, this district, and every educator she has worked with.

Student holding corn husk dolls

Indian Education News

Five Civilized Tribes Art Contest - submit by Feb 12, contact Ms. Factor for more details.

The Annual Needs Assessment will be available soon. Be watching your emails and the Indian Education facebook page for details.

The Muscogee Nation Challenge Bowl is coming soon.

TTCU card

TTCU School Pride

Glenpool Schools recently received our School Pride donation of $2,500 from TTCU Federal Credit Union for the second half of 2024.

Thank you for swiping your TTCU School Pride debit card and giving back to our district! If you don't have one, get yours today.