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Glenpool Public Schools
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a School Bond?
Will my property taxes increase?
I’ve heard the term “mill” and “millage rate.” What are those?
What percentage is required for the Bond to pass?
Why can’t Bonds be used to pay teacher salaries?
I don’t have school-aged children. Why should I vote?
What is on this particular Bond?
Is there another Bond Election on the horizon?
Will every school in the district benefit from the Bond?
What is the Bond amount?
When/Where will the election be held?
What is the timeline for the projects to be started/finished?
How many years will it take to pay off the Bond?
What is the deadline for registering to vote on the Bond?
Where can I get a voter application?
Go back to the 2025 Bond information page