Elementary Sites

Arrival Information

Pre K - K

  • Arrive after 7:30 am

  • Dropoff Pre-K students at the main entrance and K students in the bus loop

  • Breakfast from 7:30-7:50 in the cafeteria

  • Classes begin at 7:50 am

1st - 4th Grades

  • Doors open for students at 7:35 am

  • Breakfast from 7:35-7:55 in the cafeteria

  • Classes begin at 8:05

  • Students arriving after 8:05 will be considered tardy and will need to be checked in at the main entrance

  • All 1st and 2nd grade- Pull as far forward as possible before letting your child out. This will allow more cars to enter the drop-off lane clearing up traffic on Warrior Road. Students may enter the building through the main entrance, north gymeteria doors, or 2nd-grade entrance. 

  • 3rd & 4th grade eating breakfast- will follow the same drop-off procedures as 1st & 2nd grades

  • 3rd & 4th grade not eating breakfast-drop off at the APB and walk to the 3rd/4th building under the awning. 

  • If your child needs assistance unbuckling or getting their things out of the car, please park in the parking lot and walk your child across the crosswalk.

  • For your child’s safety, do not drop your child off in the parking lot. This is very dangerous because of the amount of traffic in the mornings. Our elementary-aged children can be difficult to see running out between cars. We have had several near accidents in the past.  

Dismissal and Pickup

Pre K - K

  • Classes end at 2:40 pm

  • Daycare students are dismissed to daycare vans

  • Pre-K: Cars enter from Elwood (west entrance) and follow the arrows to the main entrance dismissal poles

  • K: Bus students are loaded into buses and depart at 2:40

  • K: Cars enter from 141st (south entrance) and proceed through the bus loop dismissal poles

1st - 4th Grades

  • Class ends at 2:55

  • Students must be picked up by 3:05 pm 

  • Please do not line up for dismissal prior to 2:40. This can create a safety issue in the case of an emergency.

We have 2 options for parent pick-up: Walk-Up and Car-Rider


  • 1st and 2nd grade - Parents will walk up to the north doors of the cafeteria and show their parent pick-up tags that you receive at Meet the Teacher

  • 3rd and 4th grade- Parents will walk up to the doors of the 2nd-grade entrance and show their parent pick-up tags that you receive at Meet the Teacher

Car Rider's

  • 1st grade- Parents will form a line in both lanes of the main loop. Display your parent pick-up tags that you receive at Meet the Teacher on the windshield. Your student will be walked out to you

  • 2nd & 3rd grade- Parents will form a line in both lanes of the APB loop. Display your parent pick-up tags that you receive at Meet the Teacher on the windshield. Your student will be walked out to you

  • 4th grade- Parents will line up behind the building in the Intermediate bus loop.  Display your parent pick-up tags that you receive at Meet the Teacher on the windshield. Your student will be walked out to you.

If you do not have your pick-up tag at dismissal you will be asked to go to the main entrance with your photo ID so that we may verify pick-up information on Infinite Campus. Student pick-up tags will be sent home at Meet the Teacher.. **There is a $5 replacement fee per lost parent pick-up tag.

The safety of our students is our #1 priority.

If you arrive for pick-up before 2:40, please park in the parking lot and wait until 2:40 to line up in the loop. Blocking the drive-thru traffic in the main loop and the APB loop can cause various safety issues in the case of an emergency. It is also important that you do not block Warrior Road. 

School Supplies Lists

Back to School / Meet the Teacher

Pre K - K :  Aug 13, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

1st - 4th Grades:  Aug 13, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Secondary Sites

Arrival Information


Middle School

  • Arrive after 8:00

  • Drop-offs - use the rear (east) cafeteria

  • Wait in the cafeteria

  • Classes start at 8:45

High School

  • Arrive after 8:00, use the front entrance, and go directly to Student Center

  • Wait in the Student Center

  • Classes start at 9:00

Bell and Lunch Schedules

Dismissal and Pickup


  • Classes end at 3:35

  • Bus - wait inside

  • Walkers - leave and be safe

  • Car Riders - use the BACK entrance

Middle School

  • Classes end at 3:35

  • Bus - wait in the cafeteria

  • Walkers - leave immediately, be safe

  • Car Riders - wait under awnings in the back lot

High School

  • Classes end at 3:45

  • Bus - wait at the front entrance

  • Walkers - leave immediately, be safe

  • Car Riders - pickup at front entrance after the initial wave of buses leaves

  • Drivers - leave immediately, be safe

School Supplies Lists

5th & 6th Grade

Middle and High School - Teachers will give lists on the first day of class. Bring basics on the first day - pen, pencil, paper, notebook. Some teachers may have posted supplies at Back to School Night.

Back to School / Meet the Teacher

Intermediate: Aug 13, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Middle School: Aug 13, 5:00-7:00

High School: Aug 13, 3:30-6:30

Device Checkout Procedure

Intermediate: after school starts, in classes

Middle School: Aug 13, 5:00-7:00 (and Schedule Pickup)

High School: Aug 13, 3:30-6:30 (Open House)
